Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Outsiders Cleo & Brutus

I'm watching a documentary about some guy trying to desensitize a pride of lions....

He only has a wooden cane & pepperspray, so he starts, predictably, with the male & he fails in that, so he turns his attention to the female; he didn't notice that the female "Cleo" had growlingly encourged Brutus when he ran at the guy.

So then he starts with Cleo & walks backwards when he drives up to her & parks his atv. Then he goes on to narrate & says he was making this incredible connection between the 2 of them-he only noted himself & the male lion. How insulting & typical. What he did not notice is the vocal cue Cleo gave to Brutus to chill, & after she rested her head & turned partly away, THEN the male lion also relaxed. Seeing this, how much goes by that men do not see, it's incredible how they seem to automatically cut out females.

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