Saturday, August 29, 2009

Magick Resurrection Lillies, Naked Lady Lillies

The last pic repeatedly shows up turned sideways, but the flowers in it just seem to glow. I took the pics without a flash, just pulled back the curtain & let the sun light them. Triple digit heat again, 100; I was hoping the forecast was wrong, 99F at 6 p.m.-hideous!

I put these beautiful fleurs in my black hobnail vase, it's sooo different from the white hobnail that I have. The fleurs are pastel pink when just opening, then fade to an opalescent pinkish ivory. They have a beautiful scent, delicately sweet & almost like peonies but without that carrot undertone in peonies.

These come in bulbs, like daffodils & are easy to find. In spring just the long strappy leaves pop out of the ground; I water them & feed them monthly with just any regular plant food/fertilizer-but I start to add bonemeal in May.

Bonemeal was difficult to find this year, it usually is available in every garden section, I'd get it at Rite-Aid, Kmart, Home Depot, Target. It helps the plants to give more flowers & also strengthen the roots; I use only bonemeal in November on the hydrangias, winter honeysuckle, roses, etc. to help them over the winter.

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