Tuesday, June 8, 2010

As above So NOT Below?

I was listening to an astrology podcast & was just floored when I heard where they were saying the planets were located-not even the moon was actually in the astrological sign they said it was in! The Moon is in Pisces from June 5th thru the 8th. After Neptune helped make a gigantic mess(when it was in Capricorn, NOT Sagittarius) in the banking & real estate areas, Nep is now in Aquarius, undoubtedly trying to pass off its' dystopia as the 'real thing', instead of Utopia , from Uranus-effects.

Jupiter & Uranus are like twins in Pisces, I think Jup & his Grandpa are having a real, long conversation about the currect state of planet Earth. Saturn just recently left Leo & is now in Virgo, & will be for some time; same with Jupiter & Uranus in Pisces, although the podcast said both will be in Aries til 2011. Venus is in Gemini, Mercury & the Sun are in Taurus.

The Spring Equinox is Sun into Pisces, astrologers desperately need to update to the current calendar & quit pretending the time is 10 BC. Really. All those strange & unexpected revelations coming out of the Catholic Church, too many gay Pastors on the down-low being revealed? The shocking breakdowns of respected institutions-doesn't it sound like Uranus is somehow involved? Why fight it? It's easy to just switch over to astronomy software.

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