This is a sterling silver powder compact I did buy from a local seller, but passed on the larger one, as posted below. In the 1950s "modern art" became too closely identified with Communism, so Hollywood & the fashionable crowd turned to Mexican, Aztec, & other New World art styles. Think about the film
"Bell Book & Candle", &
Vincent Price's Gallery he collected alot of Ancient Mexican art & eventually, with his wife donated at least some of this to a gallery/community college.
Los Angeles has the street address for it.
All this means when I saw that Aztec calendar on it I had a good idea as to when it was made, it has no maker's mark, it only says sterling silver. It has the lid that was common back then, between the mirror & the powder, & it also has the powder screen BUT no puff. So I just put a modern one in. I have searched the Net & I haven't been able to find another compact like this, needless to say I mostly keep it at home, except for special occasions.